It’s day four of the annual New Year for a New You series with me, Lisa Jacobs! Welcome back for your next dose of review and reflection. If this is your first year joining me, here’s how it works: I’ll offer you a new list of prompts and review questions every day through Tuesday, January 2.
:: Day 1
:: Day 2
:: Day 3
:: Day 4 (you’re here)
:: Day 5
:: Day 6
:: Day 7
Each day, I answer the same questions and post them as examples. You’ll find my thoughts from the previous day before the next set of prompts are issued. If you want to blog your answers as well, I’d love to read them. Please link up in the comments below or use #yby2018 on social.
At whatever place you start or pace you take, I’m honored you’re here.
Yesterday, we continued the series with prompts to help set intentions for all five pillars of life: financial, spiritual, mental, physical, and relational. We then explored those intentions a little deeper by asking the following list of questions, gathered from MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom by Tony Robbins:
- What do I really want? (vision)
- What is important about it? (values)
- How will I get it? (methods)
- What is preventing me from having it? (obstacles)
- How will I know I am successful? (measurements)
Here are my answers to yesterday’s prompts …
Intention-Setting 2017
:: Financial –
I want to pay down debts and build up personal asset value. I want the business to see its first six-figure month and gross 7-figures. I’ll continue to reserve operating expenses, possibly hire a bigger team, and bring home a net profit that helps us to never borrow (for house or otherwise) again.
:: Spiritual –
I would like to rise up out of the incidentals of life and enjoy the big picture. I want to be more present in every moment. I’d like to enjoy working, playing, and living to the fullest! I hope to find more peace through improved self-care and quiet rituals every day.
:: Mental –
I will stay sharp and continue to study the subject matter that strengthens my weaknesses. I’ll aim to do even more by way of learning and teaching this year. I’ll seek out faster ways to produce and deliver big lessons.
:: Relational –
I’ll continue to learn how to do what’s best by my husband and children. I’ll offer them a love they can count on and the space to grow beyond it. I’ll look for more things we can do together as a unit and continue to honor the traditions we’ve created.
:: Physical –
The unnecessary weight is gone, and now it’s time to get in shape and stick to a routine! I’ll run for the love of it but strive to get back to the gym for classes and weights at least 5x week.
The exercise issued yesterday was to apply each goal above to the following list from Tony Robbins. To mind my length, I’m going to summarize all five intentions for this blog post and answer this list just once.
Since I feel my new spiritual goal is my biggest challenge ahead in 2018, I’m going to focus my answers there—but these are great questions to ask of each of your goals, in all five pillars.
:: What do I really want? (vision)
To operate from a healthy place of self-love and -acceptance. To step into my personal power. To love unconditionally, and live fully without fear.
:: What is important about it? (values)
I’m ready to break free of self-imposed limitations and fear-based thinking.
:: How will I get it? (methods)
- Put self-care first—refill my cup so that I’m always pouring from wholeness
- Establish a routine
- Positive affirmations and tapping
- Create gratitude exercises, touchstones, and practices that keep me grounded in the present moment
:: What is preventing me from having it? (obstacles)
- inconvenience, easier choices
- procrastination (not putting it first/putting it off)
- lack of discipline
:: How will I know I am successful? (measurements)
So hard to measure a spiritual goal! I’ll know I’m successful if I find myself laughing more, loving easier, and sense an increase of patience and understanding. I’ll consider a daily practice finished 27 days out of the month for two months an established habit.
Today’s Prompts
It’s almost time to create a list of specific things you’d like to achieve next year. I don’t call these “resolutions” because the word has so many flaky connotations. Instead, I want you to set goals like destinations on a map, and I want you to be bound and determined to reach those destinations in 2018 – no excuses.
Here are a few more prompts to steady your focus and ready your mind …
- What would you do in 2018 if you knew you could not fail?
- What are some things you could be doing that you’ve been too afraid to try? How can you stretch your comfort zone?
- What have you been struggling with for entirely too long?
- What could you outsource, delegate, automate, and/or stop doing in 2018?
- In what ways and which areas will you “upgrade” your life?
Thank you for joining me on Day 4 of this 7-day series! See you tomorrow with a new list of prompts + my example answers to today’s questions. It’s time to make your big dreams happen already. Here’s to Your Best Year yet,

First time doing this. A little confused were your intentions above from 2017 or are these new ones? Please elaborate a little for each pillar from yesterday you answer the questions from Tony Robbins?
New Year intentions—these are for next year.