I’ve created an all new, 3-part training series that will teach you a subtle (and simple!) shift in your approach to online business that can triple your sales. You can expect to hear a bit more from me in the coming week as I unpack an arsenal of valuable free training.
This series costs nothing, but it’s priceless training for your small business. I hold nothing back. I believe you’re meant to do what you love to do and get paid very well for doing so. I’m here to provide strategies that empower that cause.
Become a Best-Selling Strategist
This is a video series, but I’m personally no fan of videos. (I love to read, and take my time to think between the lines!) Therefore, I’ve made each session as condensed as possible. In between sessions, I’m going to deliver exclusive lessons (from my paid programs) direct to your inbox. We have a phenomenal week ahead of us.
Give me 12 minutes, and I’ll improve your business strategy for life. In this series, I’ll teach you …
- a subtle shift in your approach that can triple your sales
- the top 2 things your customers can’t resist
- the 4 pain points they face every time you ask for a sale
- their DEADLIEST objection to your offer
- how to create a strategy to cure all of this
And so much more! This training contains SOLID GOLD information you can put to use right away. I can hardly wait for you to get started!
After you watch video one, you’ll find a link below titled, Build Desire, Close More Buyers. Click there to proceed to the next part of the series where you’ll learn the 2 things NO customer can resist. In only 7 minutes, I’ll enhance your sales approach forevermore.
I’m Lisa Jacobs, and I’ve taken countless business owners from a place of uncertainty to top-selling industry leaders. I myself have one of the top 8% highest earning websites on the internet.
This week, I’m going to show you how to do the same. You’ll learn where you’re leaving business on the table, how to approach people and sell in a way that feels comfortable for you both, the four pain points your customers face every time you ask for the sale, the deadliest objection your customer has to your offer, and how to create a strategy that cures all this and more!
Why all this? Because The Luminaries Club is open for enrollment. It’s a private membership program for up-and-coming creative business owners to work together as a team, and it’s filled to the brim with tools, resources and trade secrets. Inside, you’ll find a place to connect, recharge and reimagine your career.
It’s my intent to show you so much value that the price of The Luminaries Club becomes a no-brainer. Several hundred members already agree, it’s worth it.
In the meantime, what are you waiting for? Take my free training and start claiming your results!
I’ve taken countless businesses from a state of uncertainty to top-selling industry leaders. Through my club, you’ll learn how to thrive and endure in online business.
There’s an unlimited amount of commercial space available to you, I intend to help you conquer every square inch of it.

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