It’s day five of the annual New Year for a New You series with me, Lisa Jacobs! Welcome back for your next dose of review and reflection. I want to wish you a Happy New Year’s Eve! If you’re just joining me, here’s how it works: I’ll offer you a new list of prompts and review questions every day through Monday, January 2.
:: Day 1
:: Day 2
:: Day 3
:: Day 4
:: Day 5 (you’re here)
:: Day 6
:: Day 7
Each day, I answer the same questions and post them as examples. You’ll find my thoughts from the previous day before the next set of prompts are issued. If you want to blog your answers as well, I’d love to read them. Please link up in the comments below or use #yby2017 on social.
At whatever place you start or pace you take, I’m honored you’re here.
We’re going to wrap this series with some intentional goal-setting for the New Year. Thank you all so much for jumping down this rabbit hole with me. I love reading comments regarding how “challenged” everyone has felt this week! That’s so good! Because if you’re not challenging, stretching and moving in the right direction, you’re standing still.
Here are my answers to yesterday’s prompts …
Choose a Direction 2017
:: What would you do in 2017 if you knew you could not fail?
Rebrand and redesign Marketing CreativityHire a part-time employee to increase business performance- Apply for that TV spot I’ve had my eye on
- Work with a professional photo/video team
- Reimagine Your Best Year production and distribution
- Open a brick-and-mortar business
- Get a traditional book deal
(Top two crossed off because I’ve already started the process and/or lined it up.)
:: What are some things you could be doing that you’ve been too afraid to try? How can you stretch your comfort zone?
I’ve held myself back from going for a few things because of past rejections, such as the traditional book deal above. I know how to write, market, and sell books the same as I know how to build, market, and sell online training.
That said, I LOVE the added support + energy that comes from working with other professionals (like the team at CreativeLive), with each person free to creatively perfect their role.
I can stretch my comfort zone by putting myself out there, risking rejection, and lending my talents to more creative teams in 2017.
:: What have you been struggling with for entirely too long?
A feeling of worthiness and a false idea that I’m not good enough for different circumstances, places, and situations. I’ll be working on this in the New Year!
:: What could you outsource, delegate, automate, and/or stop doing in 2017?
I’m going to outsource giant chunks of responsibility to my fabulous assistant, Jennie Rensink. She’ll not only manage my operation, she’ll also co-produce many of my upcoming projects because she’s that good. I just know there’s nothing we can’t accomplish together in 2017.
Together, Jennie and I are going to delegate a lot of administrative tasks to others. I hope to have three additional part-time employees by end year. I’m also going to delegate my books and finances to someone better trained to handle them.
I’m going to automate much about my finances, to include the sales campaigns I run.
I’m going to stop fearing my own success, sabotaging my progress, and doubting my potential. I’ll trust that I’m exactly where I need to be and know I’m the best person for the job.
:: In what ways and which areas will you “upgrade” your life?
I am going to upgrade my overall comfort and confidence. If it makes me feel good, rich and healthy, I’m all for it!
Today’s Prompts
I want you to start thinking about time as a precious, non-renewable commodity. Time is the most precious resource you have on Earth, and the majority of people are burning it. Know the value in each of your 24 hours every day. Create a practice of asking yourself: If this moment were a dollar, am I investing it or burning it? Consider the following questions …
1. What are your main priorities in life (i.e., family, profession, marriage, personal wellbeing, etc.)? List them in order of importance.
2. Use the graph above to chart how you invest your time during a typical 24-hour period. (This graph and exercise are an excerpt from Your Best Year 2017. You’re welcome to draw your own graph or print the image above).
3. Does your time chart (where you’re spending your hours) reflect the priorities you listed in question 1, and in the correct order?
4. How might you rearrange your schedule for better results?
The system I created in Your Best Year 2017 is about consciously taking results-oriented actions toward your goals every day. For a complete goal-getting exercise to compliment today’s prompts, please grab the free sampler below.
Thank you for joining me on Day 5 of this 7-day series! See you tomorrow with a new list of prompts + my example answers to today’s questions. It’s time to make your big dreams happen already.
Here’s to your best year yet,

I took a bit of a different tact with this prompt and shared my journey to “planner peace.”