Hello and welcome to the New Year for a New You: 7-days of review series! Thank you for joining me! This annual review is my favorite series on the blog, and there’s no better time to conduct it than the sacred space between end-year holidays.
We will kick this party off by appreciating 2016 for all that it has taught and bestowed upon us, but remember: a lot happens in a year! If you kept a day planner or journal, grab it before you get started on today’s reflections – flipping back through your records and memories will help you trace all that’s taken place in your life since January.
If this is your first year joining me, here’s how it works: I’ll offer you a new list of prompts and review questions every day from today (December 27) through Monday, January 2.
Each day, I answer the same questions. I then blog my answers + thoughts from the previous day before issuing the next set of prompts. If you want to blog your answers as well, I’d love to read them.Please link up in the comments below or use #yby2017 on social.
Ten Questions for Today’s Review
Enjoy some alone time in a quiet space (again, a journal or day planner from 2016 will come in handy) and write down your answers to the following questions.
- What was time very well spent this year?
- What was money very well spent this year?
- What are your favorite memories of 2016?
- What did you accomplish or complete this year?
- Did you make any progress on long-term goals?
- What felt successful about the year, as a whole?
- Did you overcome any obstacles or mental blocks this year?
- What did you learn about yourself after all that happened in 2016?
- Who nurtured or supported you most this year?
- Who did you enjoy nurturing and supporting?
Thank you for joining me on Day 1 of this 7-day series! See you tomorrow with a new list of prompts + my example answers to today’s questions. It’s time to make your big dreams happen already.
Here are some quick links to help you navigate the rest of the series:
:: Day 1 (you’re here)
:: Day 2
:: Day 3
:: Day 4
:: Day 5
:: Day 6
:: Day 7
Here’s to your best year yet,

Thank you so much for hosting this!
Thank you for the chance to be a part of this reflection
I am so glad to have found this Wendy from wholistic woman is part of a weekly link up that I co-host and I could not get enough of her blog post talking about this. I’m going to do my best to try and participate even if I don’t go public with all of them.
I’m a few days late starting, but can’t wait to dive in!!
I just wanted to say how helpful I found this exercise! It was so important to break down my goals into the different categories so I can grow in multiple directions instead of always focusing on one. I feel well-rounded and am actually achieving my goals this year! Thanks for this wonderful program.