It’s been awhile since I’ve put out one of these updates, mainly because there’s so much going on behind the scenes here at Marketing Creativity: Exciting news, record-breaking seasons, and a new course coming! Here’s what I’m working on …
I’ve Hired! (Update)
Last year I revealed that I was struggling to take the risks that I needed to take in order to grow (if you’re interested, here’s the story of how I was bottlenecking my business and why). I vowed to place my first want ad by December 7, and I hired within a month of that posting.
I welcomed Kara of Boho Berry as my first team member. I wanted an operations manager for my business, and she’s fit the bill beautifully.
She’s been an amazing addition to my private coaching concentrate, in which I work with creatives during a series of one-on-one sessions. She joins every call and sends each of my clients the most amazing summaries that feature key takeaways, next steps and action items to be completed before their next call.
We’ve been so immersed in client calls and CreativeLive prep that we’ve had little time for operations, but we’re getting there!
Deepest thanks to all who applied for the position. As a team, we’re hoping to hire admin help by the fall, and I’ve kept your applications on file. There’s quite a few of you that I would love to work with in the near future!
Your Best Year 2016 (Update)
Your Best Year has enjoyed its best year yet! As I was creating Your Best Year 2016, I felt it becoming this phenomenal tool. I knew it would do well this year, but I was blown away by the glowing reviews and shares it received as the ball dropped on 2016.
My goal was to get it into the hands of 10,000 creatives, and it’s fallen just shy of that glorious number. It may still hit it yet!
Thank you all so much for loving, using, and sharing Your Best Year 2016. Trust that the 2017 planner will be even more useful + a ha!-inducing, as I strive to improve its functionality every single year.
If you don’t have a copy of Your Best Year 2016 yet, you can find it on final sale right here. It’s never too late to get started!
Speaking of Final Sales … (Product Overhaul)
I’m gearing up to say ‘goodbye’ to two of my signature products, Shop Fundamentals and Advertising and Exposure (find them both on final sale in limited quantities < when they’re gone, they’re gone for good!).
These products are going to be updated and combined to create the ultimate guidebook for those of you operating an online storefront. More details below under the heading, Shop 2.o.
Turn Your Etsy Shop into a Sales Machine (CreativeLive)
My 3-day class for CreativeLive, Turn Your Etsy Shop into a Sales Machine broadcasts live on March 3-5. During our time together on CreativeLive, I’m going to take you behind the scenes of several thriving Etsy shops to show you how they’re actively driving sales and traffic, not “getting found” on Etsy.
And then, I’m going to show you how to create the same results.
I’m going to teach you changes you can make to your storefront that will attract the perfect customers, leaving them hungry to click and eager to buy.
I’m going to walk you through a winning marketing campaign that has created sold-out success for me (and my clients) time and time again.
I’m going to take apart my own “$1,000” email; it’s the exact script I use to repeatedly earn my business over a thousand dollars every time I send it. Click here to RSVP, and remember, it’s always free when you tune in live.
Luminaries Club Rate Increase
When the Luminaries started, it was a library of my current offerings, and I added monthly challenges along the way. It was in start-up mode, and unlike most membership programs, the value inside increases with each passing day. I’m always adding more, and as a group, we freely share valuable tips and trade secrets with one another. There’s so much more to The Luminaries Club now than there was when it first opened, so prices will increase accordingly.
This price change does not effect current Luminaries, which means, if you join now you will lock-in the current rate forever. Right now, you can buy into The Luminaries Club for 34 USD/month -OR- save $147 by signing up for the whole year at 259 USD.
What I teach inside the club is based on industry experience and a WORKING business model. Lately, I can’t write fast enough to capture all of my results and lessons learned! I know how to build an email list and attract thousands of subscribers, I know how to market a product and make thousands of sales, and I know how to build an online following to 20,000+!
More importantly, I know what matters to your bottom line. I know you feel stuck and frustrated because you’re doing a lot of what doesn’t work -without even realizing it.
I don’t believe in courses and programs that don’t offer personalized attention and guided lessons. In fact, I think it’s RIDICULOUS for someone to offer creative business help without customized tutorials … we’re each carving our own path! There’s no such thing as “one size fits all” advice in this industry.
On March 15, I’m raising The Luminaries Club rates to 45 USD/month -OR- the discounted annual subscription fee of 395 USD/year. However, by joining now, you’ll lock-in the current low rate forever. You’ll also get to enjoy my upcoming course …
Announcing: Shop 2.o
Are you tired of all the fluff advice out there for creative businesses? Are you over the frustration, feeling like your hard work is all for naught? Are you sick of reading all those lame “21 Ways to Gain Traffic” lists, filled with mind-numbing tips, such as:
- Guest blog. (WAY out-dated advice)
- Host a giveaway. (Freebie-seekers are typically NOT the customers you want to attract)
- Share it on Facebook, Tweet it, Pin it. (#duh)
- Do an interview. <<< (This one makes me LOL. Name a big-shot interviewer that agrees to “do an interview” for you simply because you asked her to)
In fact, I’m getting tired of cleaning up after so much bad advice out there! I’m tired of finding my clients buried under generic-information overload and frustrated by a lack of results!
Talk to me if you want results. My upcoming course, Shop 2.o is a combination of essential shop fundamentals, proven marketing strategies that win, and applicable tools and techniques that work.
In creative business, we all talk a big game when it comes to our goals.
We dream of becoming recognized and respected, relying on our income, and hiring help someday. In order to achieve that, you must create a better system and employ better strategies! You need a trusted advisor, one who has the experience and skills you need to reach next level success.
Shop 2.o is designed to help you meet your goals, earn more money, grow your business, and strategize your own success. It’s everything in an organized, easy-to-implement bundle, but it will only be available for a limited time.
It launches 4/26/16. More details coming soon!
That’s what I’m working on. How about you?
If you have a moment, tell me how Your Best Year is shaping up so far? Are you making it happen? What do you have in store? I’d love to hear; I devour every comment.
Until next time and all the best,