I recently pulled a quote from my card deck that resonated with me deeply. Since reading this advice, I’ve regularly asked myself: Do I choose to live or to dwell?
Which Will You Choose Today?
As we head into the heart of the holidays and a glorious New Year, will you dwell in disappointment, fear and conflict? Or will you choose to live in the joy of your unlimited creative power? I wish us both the strength to always choose the latter. If you’re struggling, try a cleanse!
Coming Up This Week on Marketing Creativity:
I’ve found some new tools and resources, and I’ve made changes to the Little Black Book for Creative Business. For those of you who already have a copy (it’s free with subscription to my newsletter), I’ll share what’s new and different in the updated version.
I’m hosting December’s Create Happy Hour this Friday, December 12! I’ll share my biggest lessons of 2014 and help you set up for a powerful New Year with planning tips and resources.
Later this week, I’ll share Marketing Creativity’s Best of 2014! It’s always SUCH a fun post for me to write, and I can hardly wait to share it.
Here’s to living in the joy of your unlimited creative power,