Are you ready to turn your hobby into an income-earning side business? Want to sell on Etsy? Are you interested in turning your passions into profit? Would you like to get paid for doing something you already love to do?
I’m Lisa Jacobs, owner of Energy Shop Jewelry: a spirited little spot where I sell gemstone jewelry and Feng Shui supplies. In that, I turned $100 worth of supplies into work-at-home freedom. When I opened the Energy Shop, I soon realized that I loved the business side of my shop as much as I loved making the products that I sell. I devoured marketing strategy, and I turned my hobby into a successful small business.
I’ve celebrated my success and shared my techniques and lessons learned here on Marketing Creativity over the last two years. The article that started my blog was titled, 450 Sales on Etsy in the First Three Months of Business: Here’s How. I contribute to Marketing Creativity regularly, but I write special posts every year in tribute to the Energy Shop’s anniversary. In the first year I wrote, 1,000 Sales and Counting in My First Year of Business on Etsy.
However and by the second year, I had so much to say that I had to turn my anniversary post into a 3-part series!
What I’ve Learned about Attitude after 2 Years of Business and Thousands of Sales
What I’ve Learned about Marketing … (This article has been shared more than 2,000 times on Pinterest!)
And finally, What I’ve Learned about Perspective …
As you can see by the number of links, I love to talk shop! And as time passes, I find that I have more and more to say on the subject. Therefore, in honor of the Energy Shop’s third year of business, please join me for:
{31 Days to} Build Your Own Creative Business
Here on Day 1 of the series, I want to talk about where to start. Oftentimes, a creative spirit with a lot of great ideas gets caught up in the logistics of the future business they want to open. In fact, sometimes the uncertainty and unknown details are so overwhelming that these people walk away from their dreams altogether!
I want to make sure that doesn’t happen to you. I dream of a world fueled by creativity, where people lead glorious lives overflowing with passion and purpose. You can absolutely be one of them.
So to start, I’d like you to identify what is that you love to do. Name a talent or hobby that you would gladly do for free, and that you could not imagine yourself ever tiring of. That’s the spirit you have to bring to a successful creative business: a willingness to do what you love, even if it feels like you’re the only one who will ever experience it.
For now, don’t worry about profit. Don’t worry about the market. Don’t worry about the details. Simply name your passion, and we’ll have a starting point that’s pregnant with possibilities. Over the next 30 posts in this series, we’ll develop those possibilities into the real potential for profit. I can hardly wait to get down to business!
Join me for the next post {Day 2} when I’ll discuss how to test the marketability for your future product!
Ready to continue?
Click here for: {Day 2} | {Day 3} | {Day 4} | {Day 5} | {Day 6} | {Day 7} | {Day 8} | {Day 9} | {Day 10} | {Day 11} | {Day 12} | {Day 13} | {Day 14} | {Day 15} | {Day 16} | {Day 17} | {Day 18} | {Day 19} | {Day 20} | {Day 21} | {Day 22} | {Day 23} | {Day 24} | {Day 25} | {Day 26} | {Day 27} | {Day 28} | {Day 29} | {Day 30} | {Day 31}

The problem I have come across is being I am a creative journey woman and master of none, so to speak. There are just too many different projects I could use, so my niche has been hard to reign in. I have heard of others having this dilemma, how does one choose?