What Don’t You Like? Ready Up for Change!

When change comes, as I’m hoping it will for you, ease into it. I’ve designed this series to help you organize a plan for success. It started last week, when I asked you to make a list of what you want. Now, I ask you to prepare for change, as it’s absolutely natural in life.

How do you feel about change? Personally, I love it, though I know how uncomfortable it can be. Change can break hearts, cause grief and make you hurt, or make you afraid. Sometimes it’s blunt and traumatic, and you’re left in the wake of change trying to piece yourself back together.

And sometimes it’s so subtle and gentle, it happens without your knowing. Suddenly, you feel the urge for a new haircut, a new wardrobe, or even a new career. The instinct to change pushes you to spring clean, clear your clutter, and organize your life. It blooms in rhythm with natural life cycles.

Willing to Change? | Marketing Creativity

Change is born of your desire to grow as a human being. It’s part of evolution. It happens regularly as you shed who you were and open up to whom you are meant to be. Many people resist this and stand hard in their position. Others embrace change and follow its lead. Like anything else, you have three options on how you’d like to handle change: fall backward, stay in place, or advance forward. Which one do you choose?

Open yourself to the flowing river of life. Don’t decide where change is taking you; Let it lead. Last year, I resolved to finish a book, but in the middle of composing it, the Energy Shop fell into my lap and became a full-time gig. The book had to wait while I let that sudden inspiration be birthed into reality. Don’t be too rigid, and always be willing to improvise.

Your assignment this week: tell me what you don’t like! I want you to observe every aspect of your day for the next three days, and keep a running tab of things you don’t like about it. I want at least 3 items from each of the five pillars of life (so five categories for your list): 1. Physical; 2. Relational; 3. Financial; 4. Spiritual; 5. Mental.

Physical will include your body and your personal space (i.e., I’m bloated and uncomfortable and I don’t like it! The bathroom is dirty and I don’t like cleaning it!). Your relational category includes every living thing you have a relationship with from plants to your child’s principal (i.e., Bobby’s reading teacher is writing passive aggressive notes in his agenda again! I don’t like that! I’m the only one who feeds the dog, I don’t like it!). Financial dislikes include any issues you notice over the next three days (i.e., I never have any cash on me when I need it, and I don’t like that! I don’t know how I’ll pay for … and I don’t like it!).

Your spiritual category will include anything that unsettles your overall wellbeing (i.e. I’m stressed over a relationship that’s not getting any better, and I find myself dwelling. I don’t like that! I can’t seem to quiet my mind, I wake up in the morning with thoughts already racing and I don’t like it.). Finally, your mental dislikes are about lack of attention, focus, and continued learning, as well as time management  (i.e. I’m bored in the evening and find myself veg’ing out to mediocre TV programs, and I’m sick of it! I feel overwhelmed in the morning and I end up wasting my time browsing the internet).

Ready, set, go! Meet me back here next week with your list. Meantime, hold onto your hats for some upcoming awesomeness. I have a stack of interviews lined up that are going to blow your socks off! Until next time,

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